So Many New Things

Hello everyone!  I have been so busy with pet sitting and starting up my new business.  I enjoy taking care of all my fury friends and keeping them safe.  My husband and I started a line of safety products for the whole family that includes an entire line of pet products.

We have everything from self defense to home protection to safety lights for all occasions like running, biking and dog walking.  Check out our site and let us know what you think.  WWW.DEFENDUSAFETY.COM

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And the Winners Are

dog bowl       And the WINNERS ARE………….

I would like to thank everyone that came out to bowl with us on Halloween.  We had a great time with some incredible people.  We had some friendly competition and even those of us that couldn’t bowl to save their life (I won’t mention my name) came out winners.

Our first winner was Sandy Chretien who won a gift card generously donated by Aubuchon Hardware of Rindge NH.  I wonder if her husband Bill will fight her for it?

Dom Perkins our high score winner received a great movie pack for two and envy of bowling skill, he will share (we hope) his stash with his lovely wife Deidre Chretien.  The kids, Grace and Marilyn, did give him a run for his money and I was tempted to ask them for bowling lessons!

Ellie Mosher was the winner of a gift card from Home Depot, and seeing as she is not much heavier than a hammer graciously let mom Sarah and dad Nick have the card to fix up something nice for all of them!

Ellie may have shared her gift card with mom and dad but I think she will get to keep her jar of eyeballs to herself.  Great job guessing how many were in the jar, she came within 10!

All of the kids went home with special treats donated by Gentle Paws Pet Care.

I cannot thank everyone enough for the fun and for those that bought tickets just for the donation you are all awesome and have helped a great cause.


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Bowling to Help Neighbors


Join us October 31, 2015 for some fun!
Costume contest, bowling, and PRIZES!

All proceeds go to help your neighbor who may have had a hardship or disaster and insurance or lack of government programs to help their animals.

Yes animals are our family too!

Help us help them!

Posted from WordPress for Android

Helping Those in Need

Have you ever lost everything in a disaster? Fire? Or maybe you lost your job and what little assistance you could find didn’t cover your poor fury family members.

When you were hardest hit with nowhere to turn, down on your luck and by the grace of kindness from strangers, helped pick you up.

Would you like to return the favor but do not know of a group that helps?  Against Cruelty a 501C3 Organization that tries to help local communities in the New England area by keeping families together. They would rather help buy your animals food or help pay a vet bill than see your family torn apart because of a hardship.

Help us help others! Donate, volunteer or come join in one of our fundraisers.

If your interested in joining our Bowl-a-thon contact Christine at or call 603-809-5116.

Thank You from the bottom of our hearts,

Against Cruelty

P.O. Box 1341

Merrimack, NH 03054


Brothers and Sisters

Our visit to the vet is a story I had to share. You have people that just do not believe that animals do feel, do have their own personalities and do have family structure. My dogs prove otherwise every day but this day, well siblings will be siblings.

I got home with plenty of time to spare to take everyone out and get the two dogs that had to go to the vet in the truck. However, that is not how it goes in this house. Sure take everyone out and of course Mini Me aka Jesse decides he does not want to be left without the other two so he is more than happy to hop in the truck while I have to beg, plead and practically drag the other to big baby’s figuratively and literally into the truck.

Everyone is finally in the truck and we are off. The drive goes fine and we only have about five minutes to go. YES we make it to the vet just in time for the appointment. We manage to get out of the truck with out Jesse squeezing out too. Although he whines and cries so loud you would think he was being tortured. “NO PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME” he says.

I open the door and why would one think that both Brandon and Khloe would cooperate and go in the door smoothly.  Nope they both walk in opposite directions and I have to reel them in like fish and steer them through the door with patient genius.

Our technician comes out and wants to weigh them. Khloe with just a little coaxing gets on the scale and sits like a good girl. Next is Brandon’s turn but he can’t figure out what to do so Khloe like a good sister patiently shows brother how to step up and sit on the scale. What a good sister to help brother.

Off to the room to visit the vet. Both of my poor babies are so nervous they are shaking and panting. Khloe keeps giving brother kisses as she continues to pace. Finally the doctor comes in and they both adore her but Khloe keeps her distance while Brandon gives love. The doctor takes this as he wants to go first. Like a good boy he goes through his exam and shots with flying colors.

Next Khloe is up and I bring her closer to me so the vet can get close enough to her however Brandon decides he will protect his nervous sister. Every time the doctor steps toward Khloe Brandon inserts himself between the two! Even the doctor congratulates him for protecting his little sister.

When we finally finish and they are ready to leave they get in the truck quite easily to leave. Once I hop in the truck I look to make sure everyone is sitting and comfortable but realize that Jesse is giving me the “help me mom” look. So I jump out and run around to his side thinking he is stuck and his leash is caught on something. Until I realize what happened I am laughing so hard because Brasndon is laying there with this devils smile on his face as I see Brandon is laying on Jesse’s leash and refuses to move. At least we know which sibling he likes to torture.

We are off and on our way home. one happy healthy family. Continue reading

Back Problems and Your Pet

Smaller longer bodied dogs like the Dachshund, Pekingese, Lhasa Apso, and Beagles are usually more likely to have back problem but back problems can effect most animals they are less prominent in cats but can still occur.

Pain can be caused by several different conditions ranging from cancer to an enlarged prostate. The most common problem is a slipped disc. When the gel-like cushions called discs protect the spinal-chord bulges out putting pressure on the chord causing inflammation of the nerves it can cause pain and other symptoms.

Lower back and neck are most common areas for disc problems to occur. In the lower back they will often arch their back or hold a rigid position. Your pet may be reluctant to move and may even cry out if the spine is flexed and sometimes even touched. The rear legs can become weak or unstable and they may also lose control of their bladder.

The neck area can be stiff causing your pet to hold their head at an odd angle and may also have weakness, instability while also having muscle spasms. Weakness and instability from this area is usually less severe than that of the lower back area.

If you notice any discomfort, stiffness, strange spasms or unexplained actions discuss with your vet so a thorough exam can be done. An x-ray can show any calcification or signs of the narrowing of the discs.

Treatment varies with the severity of the case along with the cause. Usually an anti- inflammatory is used in conjunction with pain medicine and bed rest. Spinal injuries need time and patience to heal.

If it keeps recurring it will sometimes result in a needed surgery to remove the old disc material and long term physical therapy.

TAZ RIP Sweet Heart

Peanut Butter.... It's What's for Dinner

Peanut Butter…. It’s What’s for Dinner

Taz you taught me how to love and understand an animal with special needs. You made my life happy and complete even through the trying times. May you no longer live under a shadow of sickness but walk with the Mother in Peace, Health and Happiness. I Love You and will miss you. Bless your sweet innocent heart.